The Platform: This Little Light of Mine!

As a little girl, I remember my maternal grandfather going outside to light a cigarette. In those days, it was common to hear strangers ask one another for a light. I myself prefer to have a light, but not that type!

Feeling quite uncomfortable with the dark, a night light was required as a little girl. I still prefer some light over pitched darkness while sleeping. And quite ironically, if the electricity ever goes out at night, I wake up.

I have always loved the Church Candle-lighting services for Christmas time. The message of that one small flickering candle which brings light into a darkened room, and then to watch it grow as each one lights another, this is the type of light I want to possess.

There are many types of light, whether a small flicker or a huge floodlight. There are lights that lose their shine and lights that are a roaring blaze. What type of light do you possess? Do you hide your light? Do you use your light for self-reflecting or idolizing things? Or have you learned to cast your light on the person and work of Christ Jesus?

In gathering advice from an expert in writing, I was instructed to have a unique platform as I began my blogging journey. As I considered what it might be, the children’s song “This Little Light of Mine” popped into my head. Children are not usually shy about sharing their faith in Jesus. And what better platform for me to have than a light shining for Jesus! Reading my earliest blogs, I am certain you would agree I have grown in my writing abilities AND I certainly pray my light has also grown. 😉

  • You are the LIGHT of the world – Matthew 5:14
  • Let your LIGHT shine – Matthew 5:16
  • Whoever follows Christ will have the LIGHT of life – John 8:12
  • I have made you a LIGHT… Acts 13:47
  • You are Chosen, God’s possession showing others the goodness of Him who called you out of darkness into HIS marvelous LIGHT – 1 Peter 2:9
  • Walk as children of LIGHT – Ephesians 5:8
  • Put your LIGHT on a stand so others can see it – Luke 8:16

In each of these verses, the Greek word for light is the same: phos – daylight, fire, shine, or visible. I wonder as a born-again believer in Christ Jesus, is my light visible, does it burn like a fire, shining for the whole world to see. Let’s light up the darkness like daylight. Let’s burn like a fire so others will want to know our Savior and Lord!

I want to sparkle and shine with the gospel message and the truths of Scripture and never hide my light! Hope you enjoy the following song:

“Jesus, the Light of the World”

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